Winter Fest 2024 – FOOD VENDOR RegistrationWinter2024-12-20T20:30:00.000ZUPCOMINGEVENT173604420000043811714381171
Thank you for your interest in being a FOOD Vendor at The Third Annual Winter Fest at The Lighthouse!
This year will feature two major Winter Fest days:
– Friday, December 20th, 2024 (5pm to 9pm)
– Saturday, January 4th, 2024 (5pm to 9pm)
Food Vendors must register for each day that they’d like to attend and pay the $50 fee.
Rules & Regulations for being a Food Truck Vendor:
– Food Vendors must be register pay a $50.
– Food Vendors can start setting up their stations no earlier than 3:45 PM. We will not allow food vendors onto the property after 4:30 PM.
– Vendors must clean up all of their belongings, throw away all of their trash and be off the property by 9:30 PM.
– Vendors are expected to bring their own tables and chairs if needed.
– Food Vendors must respect all Lighthouse Staff and follow their directions, especially with parking. Vendors who do not comply to the simple parking rules set forth or who mistreat Lighthouse staff will be asked to leave and not be invited back for future events.
– If said Food Vendor is not selling out of a food truck, they must unload all of their goods and materials and park their vehicles where indicated by Lighthouse Staff.
– The Lighthouse will NOT provide electricity, chairs, tents, or tables for you.
ADDITIONALLY: ALL FOOD VENDORS MUST name Lighthouse as an additional insured on the CGL policy and agrees to deliver certificates of insurance at least 10-days before the Event reflecting the coverages above.
The Lighthouse recommends using this website to acquire insurance if you don’t have it yet:
ANYLighthouse Sports ComplexADULT—food-vendor-registrationNon SportTrueFalseFalseTrueTrueTrueTrueFalseFalseTrue40.0082851-75.125063315873700-1Additional Team FeeCaptain2024-09-23T23:30:22.000ZDivisionDivisionIndividual2024-09-23T23:30:22.000Z101 E. Erie Ave.PhiladelphiaPA Fee